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Copy of Forte Course Guide - Accredited
Copy of Forte Course Guide - Accredited

Through our the childhood music courses your child will develop skills to help with both learning a musical instrument and preparing for school.


Developing the ability to listen and hear the various nuances in sound can help with language development and social & emotional development.



Developing their underlying feeling for beat/pulse and staying in time improves literacy and numeracy. Experiencing concepts like fast and slow enhances a child's sense of beat.

RECOGNISING PATTERNS: Music is built on patterns and so are mathematics & language. Many class activities are specifically designed to help your child learn to recognise and predict patterns.


SOCIAL SKILLS: Sitting, waiting, taking turns, being kind to others, and tidying away are key competencies for success in a school environment.



Watch your child's confidence grow each week with little 'I can do it!' moments, along with lots of praise from their teacher and other parents in the class.

Click Pictures to learn about Individual Course 

Copy of Forte Course Guide - Accredited

Forte courses have been designed to

make learning music fun and to help your child develop musical skills, that not only bring the gift of music to their lives, but also have a positive effect on both schooling and personal growth.


Your child will love coming to classes each week, having fun with music friends and enjoying learning to play piano.


Singing is the key for developing musical skills. Children are happy to sing with their music friends. Singing helps in every area of musical development, across all instruments, so your child will be well prepared for the school band or orchestra.

Copy of Forte Course Guide - Accredited

In class your child will learn:



These patterns will be uncovered as your child learns pieces in bite-sized chunks, which they practise at home with Practice Buddy video clips and music tracks.



Playing in class ensembles builds confidence and the skills needed for playing in a band or orchestra. One day your child may even play in their own pop band!



Regular class concerts build self-esteem, confidence and stagecraft.

Singing is the key for developing musical skills. Children are happy to sing with their music friends. Singing helps in every area of musical development, across all instruments, so your child will be well prepared for the school band or orchestra.

Click Pictures to learn about Individual Course 


Keynotes is a pioneering curriculum which covers not only the foundations of piano playing but also general musicianship, listening skills, composition and improvisation


Each level has been designed with careful consideration of piano and music pedagogy, and how students best develop their knowledge and skills when learning to play the piano

Our curriculum is cyclical which ensures that students’ foundations are secure and firmly embedded in a way that both supports and challenges them.  Cyliclical stucture also makes the curriculum flexible and student may join a class at anytime.


KeyNotes have a system of challenges which serve as differentiators so that students can progress at the speed their suits them. Whilst everyone is learning together, and, importantly, can play their songs together, some may play a more difficult version of the song, and these are worked into four different challenge levels.


Each lesson has a set of objectives that the students are expected to meet. 

​Lessons follow a structure that the student become familiar with: we begin with a starter where the concept and skill for the lesson are introduced, through various activities.


Piece for the lessons are then sung using lyrics, note names, and finger numbers,and modelled by the teacher at the piano.

​​The students may have accessed the piece differently – one playing the melody in the right hand, while another plays the melody in both hands, and another plays the melody in the right hand and chords in the left hand. The approach is adjusted to ensure that each learner reaches their potential.

Across all levels, students are given composition tasks in order to bring together all of their new knowledge and understanding in a very creative way!



Image by Geert Pieters

Creative Keys Course

Advanced Piano/ Exam Classes

AT the end of our keyboard classes, 

  • You are set for designated AMEB Graded exam

  • You are a confident musician who has great aural skills, can be independent when learning new pieces, can confidently play in fornt of others, can learn how to identify & fix mistakes, can read & write music

  • You have all foundations to add on another instrument or to keep growing your skills as a pianist.  You will keep these foundation skills learnt for your whole music education!

  • You will move to an Advanced keyboard class to continue with advanced music theory, harmony, ensemble, composition & the fun of a class!!



Private lessons at Kimberlystic Piano are unlike anything you've experieced before!  They are FUN.

Lesson focus on creating great musicians, not just typists nor technicians.  Students learn to truly understand music & how to play with expression & feeling. 

Students receive solid foundations for piano playing

  • Correct technique

  • reading skills

  • aural skills

  • ensemble skills

  • performance skills 

Contact Kimberly


476 Fullarton Road, 

Airport West, Vic. 3042



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